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Cause of Cervical Dysplasia

xenoestrogens cause Cervical Dysplasia

phytoestrogens cause Cervical Dysplasia

Correct Dose of progesterone for Cervical Dysplasia

Progestins not to be used with Cervical Dysplasia

No Estrogen Use with Cervical Dysplasia

Thyroid Use for Cervical Dysplasia

Testing for progesterone in the bodyused for Cervical Dysplasia

Stories of Cervical Dysplasia cures

Failures in Cervical Dysplasia cures
 Questions and Answers about Cervical Dysplasia

Summary for care of Cervical Dysplasia


Recommended Books to Read for Cervical Dysplasia

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Xenoestrogens cause Early Puberty in Children and Cervical Dysplasias in Adults.


Xenoestrogens cause Early Puberty in Children and Cervical Dysplasias in Adults.


Natural Progesterone help for Cervical Dysplasia


Natural Progesterone help for Cervical Dysplasia



by Elizabeth Smith, M.D.

A True Help for the Cervical Dysplasia



Natural Hormone Treatment of Cervical Dysplasia

Previously, scientists had thought that cervical cancer was linked to sexual promiscuity and/or certain varieties of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Now, researchers believe exercising woman with cervical dysplasia diseasethat birth control pills are causing cervical cancer. Cervical dysplasia, is abnormal cells found on the cervix. If the cervical dysplasia is not caused by infection or physically traumatic sex, cervical dysplasia is precancerous (cervical dysplasia leads to cervical cancer). Cervical cancer is now believed to be caused by excess synthetic estrogen in the form of birth control pills. However, of the 85,000 chemicals in use in the United States, some of these chemicals are hormonally active and happen to be estrogenic. These synthetic chemicals in every day life mimic estrogen (xenoestrogens) and also may cause cervical dysplasia.

John Lee, MD, the guru of Natural Progesterone has successfully reversed cervical dysplasia back to normal by giving Natural Progesterone and folic acid (a type of B vitamin). Birth Control Pills cause a folic acid deficiency. He used this same method to reverse cervical dysplasia in his daughter in three cycles.

In the study, commissioned by the World Health Organization, researchers combined the data from 28 studies, involving 12,500 women with cervical cancer from a number of countries including the United Kingdom and United States. Dr. Amy Berrington from the Cancer Research UK Epidemiology Unit at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford, said the research showed that the longer women used the pill the greater their risk of developing cervical cancer, and the effect remained even when other risk factors for the disease such as infection with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) were taken into account. This runs contrary to the theory that the increased risk of cervical cancer among women taking contraceptives was likely due to exposure to the virus, rather than the pill itself.

They found that women who used the pill for five years or less had a 10 per cent increased risk of cervical cancer when compared with women who had never taken it. This increased risk rose to 60 per cent with five to nine years of use and doubled with 10 years of use or over. Read about it here.

Ranchers also give synthetic estrogen to cattle, and farmers give synthetic estrogen to chicken with the full knowledge that the estrogen will cause the animal to grow and mature faster. Now, Time magazine has cited the landmark study of 17,000 girls aged 8. 15% of these girls are going through early puberty and sprouting breast buds and pubic hair. The Time magazine cover story, October 30, 2000, cites that some chemicals mimic estrogen (xenoestrogen) and blames these chemicals for the early growth spurt of girls and early puberty. The Time magazine article believes that everyday chemicals that we use in our homes act like estrogen. These estrogenic chemicals (xenoestrogens) are to blamed for early sexual maturity in girls in the United States.

Could these same chemicals that act like estrogen (xenoestrogens) be also causing cervical cancer? Many researchers now believe that these xenoestrogens that are causing early sexual maturity in girls. Xenoestrogens are also believed to be causing cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer.

Mainstream medicine readily acknowledges that excess estrogen causes endometrial (uterine) cancer and most breast cancers. The incidence of breast cancer in the 1950's was 1 out 20 women in the USA. The incidence of breast cancer in 1988 was 1 out of 11 women in the USA. The incidence of breast cancer in 2001 was 1 out of 8 women in the USA. As of 2003, some parts of California have a breast cancer incidence of 1 out of 7. Could xenoestrogens play a contributory role in the increase in incidence in these estrogen sensitive cancers? Many researchers suspect that these xenoestrogens are contributing to breast cancer and endometrial cancer. Researchers are now trying to find an environmental cause for a breast cancer cluster in Long Island, New York.

In general, estrogen and progesterone oppose each other. Estrogen tells the cells to multiply and proliferate. Estrogen slows down the body metabolism (body temperature is typically 97F), and builds up fat (around the hips) in preparation for the pregnancy. In contrast, Natural Progesterone maintains the pregnancy. Natural Progesterone tells the cells to mature, differentiate and NOT to multiply. It tells the body to use the fat. Under Natural Progesterone stimulation the fat is burned up and reduced.

The strategy to get rid of cervical dysplasia is to get rid of the xenoestrogens in your life, take B vitamins AND take Natural Progesterone. Taking an easily absorbable DIM will also help lower your estradiol levels. These xenoestrogens mimic estrogen and cause bloating and cyclical breast tenderness. Get rid of the chemicals that mimic estrogen (xenoestrogens) and bloating and cyclical breast tenderness stops. These xenoestrogens are fat soluble and are stored in the body fat. Sometimes it takes years to get rid of these chemicals out of the body fat. However, the elimination of these fat soluble xenoestrogens may be speeded up by sauna and exercise that heats up the body so you sweat. Taking Natural Progesterone in the mean time will oppose estrogen and make you feel better reducing or eliminating the bloating and cyclical breast tenderness.

Natural Progesterone is NOT the same estrogen and progestin in prescription birth control pills. Natural Progesterone is NOT the same as Provera or Megestrol. These prescription hormones are chemically modified from the natural hormones to be different in order to be patented, have a monopoly, and then can be sold at a large profit. Any hormone or chemical found in nature cannot be patented by law. Since these prescription chemically modified hormones are NOT naturally found in nature or in the body, they have many potentially dangerous side effects. In contrast, natural progesterone is bioidentical to the hormone in your body, and is compatible with the human body with a minimal amount of side effects. Natural Proesterone is safe! Natural Progesterone is even used to prevent 1st term miscarriage, and even may be used to prevent premature births.

Caution:You must make sure to avoid xenoestrogens. If you do NOT avoid xenoestrogens and take natural progesterone, the cervical dysplasia may worsen. This is because the natural progesterone resensitizes the estrogen receptors back to normal. Long term chronic xenoestrogen exposure causes the estrogen receptors to be desensitized.

In less than 1% of women taking Natural Progesterone by topical application, the women do not absorb the progesterone well and oral Natural Progesterone may be used. Also Natural Progesterone may not stop the cervical dysplasia from regressing because xenoestrogens are not eliminated from the person's lifestyle, or the xenoestrogens are stored in the body fat. For some patients, it is better to cut out all xenoestrogens for 1-2 months, and THEN take Natural Progesterone. This gives time for the xenoestrogens to wash out of the body.

See the new website that shows how to reverse cervical dysplasia and return to a normal pap smear.



Get Rid of Cervical Dysplasia!

NO Surgery!

John Lee, MD and Jesse Hanley, MD Treat Cervical Dyplasia Successfully


John Lee, MD and Jesse Hanley, MD further writes in their book "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause" :

'In a very funny episode of a popular TV sitcom a menopausal woman is depressed about aging and in an attempt to reconnect her with her "inner crone," her daughter-in-law coffee exacerbates Cervical Dysplasiatries to get her to look at her cervix with a mirror. It wasn't so very long ago that not only did you not touch or look "down there," you didn't even talk about it. When you went for a pelvic exam, the doctor put your feet in the stirrups, pushed your knees up to your chin, and hid behind a blue sheet while he plunged a cold steel speculum up you vagina and "pinched" your cervix for a pap smear. As he pulled out the speculum and whipped off his rubber gloves he would point out the tissue box and leave the room, returning to talk only when you were fully wiped and dressed.

In most doctor's offices these days it's a little different. When you lie down on your back you might see a pleasant picture or a piece of macrame on the ceiling. Any gynecologist or physician's assistant worth her salt will get you in the padded stirrups, put in the warmed speculum, and produce a mirror so that you can look at your own cervix. When she palpates your ovaries she'll explain what she's doing, and she might even tell you about how your particular uterus is large, or small, or tipped one way or another. So in some respects, we've come a long way.

Your cervix is technically a part of your uterus. It is the base of the uterus, the part that extends down the vagina and through which a baby leaves the womb and begins to enter the world. It is one of the miracles of a women's body that the opening of the cervix is so narrow that a finger can't penetrate it, until labor begins, when it dilates enough to allow the passage of a newborn infant.

If you put your finger in your vagina and feel the cervix, it feels similar to a nose or a chin. Just as the nose and chin come in many sizes and shapes, so does the cervix. Your cervix changes color, shape and position depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle and your level of sexual arousal.

Women routinely visit a physician if for no other reason than to have pap smear every few years. A pap smear is a test for cancerous or precancerous cells of the cervix that involves scraping some tissue from the opening of the cervix, putting it on a slide, and sending it to a laboratory. The pap smear will come back rated as a Class I through Class V. Class I is normal (benign), Class II is usually an irritation or inflammation, Class III is a true cervical dysplasia that can range from mild to serious, Class IV may be one of a variety of precancers or cancers, and Class V is a seriously invasive cancer. The problem with pap smears is that they have a very high rate ( as much as 70 percent) of false positives, giving a more serious class rating than really exists, and a very high rate of false negatives, giving a less serious rating when there really is trouble. There is a new type of test available called the ThinPrep system that gives a significantly more accurate reading, but you're still subject to a lot of uncertainty if the test comes back "positive"'.



lady with Cervical Dysplasia

"Dr. Lee's daughter was told she needed a cervical cone biopsy, a major surgery, and her father encouraged her to first try using some progesterone, 400 mcg daily of folic acid, and 50 mg daily of vitamin B6. Sure enough, within three cycles her cervical dysplasia was gone."

John Lee, M.D.



DeMystifying Cervical Dysplasia

"By far the most common "positive" or abnormal type of pap smear for which a doctor is likely to recommend surgery is known as cervical dysplasia, meaning abnormal cell growth in the cervix. When the doctor tells you this is a "precancerous" condition, it can be very scary, but you should know that you are almost always a long, long way from cancer when you have cervical dysplasia, and cervical cancer is one of the slowest-growing cancers. In other words, unless you have Class IV or Class V pap smear, it is rarely a reason to panic or rush into surgery. Take the time to get another pap smear from a different laboratory, as well as a second opinion from another doctor. Nearly six out of eight times, the second pap smear will come out negative.

A common cause of cervical dysplasia is a viral infection of cervical cells caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease that causes condyloma warts or lesions in the genital area and the cervix. When you have Class II pap smear and genital warts, your physician may want to do an actual biopsy because some of the HPV viral subtypes are more likely to be cancerous or potentially cancerous, and some are completely without the potential to be malignant.

When cervical dysplasia is found, it is important to ask yourself why your body hasn't protected you from HPV and inflammation. Many things can irritate and inflame the cervix and cause a Class II pap smear, including traumatic or unloving sex, tampons, condoms, douches, and spermicide (found on condoms and used with diaphragms and cervical caps). Progesterone deficiency also contributes to cervical dysplasia and may make the cervix more susceptible to the above irritations.

Cervicitis (infection or inflammation of the cervix), a chlamydia infection, and sexual trauma can all temporarily look like cervical dysplasia. Smoking increases a woman's chances of cervical irritation and, eventually, cervical dysplasia. Dr. Hanley has found that when a woman is having sexual intercourse that is not really friendly to her and her body, and she is not saying no because she wants to please her mate, is it physically traumatizing to her body and especially to her cervix. Sometimes the end of a man's penis will run into a woman's cervix and cause physical trauma. All of this can show up initially as an abnormal Class II or III pap smear. If it's clear that the cellular abnormality showing up on a pap smear is not a viral infection or a cancer, the most sensible suggestion is to return in three to six months for another one. Women who get repeated cervical infections such as chlamydia should make sure their partner isn't reinfecting them.

When Dr. Hanley sees a woman with a Class II pap smear, she most often suggests that she use aloe vera or acidophilus douche or suppositories for a few weeks, along with taking folic acid (5 to 10 mg daily), vitamin A (10,000 IU daily), vitamin B6 (25 to 50 mg daily) and vitamin B12, 800 to 1,000 mcg. She also recommends vitamin A oil put directly onto the cervix five out of seven nights per week for four weeks, two weeks off and then for four more weeks. You can buy vitamin A suppositories, break open the capsules, or use a liquid vitamin A with a dropper. Dr. Hanley recommends that with the high doses of folic acid used in this type of treatment (a normal dose is 400 mcg), women work in partnership with a health care professional.

Dr. Lee's daughter was told she needed a cervical cone biopsy, a major surgery, and her father encouraged her to first try using some progesterone, 400 mcg daily of folic acid, and 50 mg daily of vitamin B6. Sure enough, within three cycles her cervical dysplasia was gone.

If it looks like an infection is present, Dr. Hanley may suggest a hydrogen peroxide douche consisting of a 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 2 cups of water for a couple of nights before bed. Another option is a golden seal douche, which she has found will get rid of most organisms within a couple of days of use."

Cervical dysplasia and hormones

"Cervical Dysplasia was relativley rare before the advent of oral contraceptives. We now know that oral contraceptives increase the risk of cervical dysplasia by at least 50 percent and the risk of cervical cancer by at least 25 percent. In a 1994 study done by Dr. Giske Ursin of the University of Southern California and published in the medical journal Lancet, researchers found that being on birth control pills for only one to six months increased the risk of cervical cancer by three times (300 percent)! Ursin believes the study explains why the incidence of cervical cancer more than doubled in the United States between the early 1970s and the mid-1980s, which parallels the advent of widespread use of oral contraceptives.

Part of the dynamic of this, in addition to excessive exposure to estrogen and deficiency of real progesterone, may be that birth control pills deplete the B vitamins, especially folic acid, which can be a direct cause of cervical dysplasia. Bottom line: If you must take oral contraceptives (or shots or implants) and you have an abnormal pap smear, you should stop taking them.

Clearly the long-term health benefits of avoiding birth control pills outweigh the inconvenience caused by other methods of birth control. You can refer to chapter 11 for more information about birth control.

Doctors have become careless about prescribing estrogen and are beginning to prescribe unopposed estrogen to premenopausal women with hormonal symptoms. Giving a premenopausal woman unopposed estrogen is almost the same as writing a prescription for cervical dysplasia - she will almost certainly return to the doctor's office within a year and have a positive pap smear. The next step is then a hysterectomy, followed by a prescription for Premarin and Provera. You absolutely do not need to got that route.

When Dr. Hanley sees a woman with a Class III pap smear who is opposed to surgery (or who prefers to give alternative treatments a try first), the first thing she does is ask the women to take a close look at her sexual relationship with her partner and to make some dietary changes, with particular attention paid to avoiding dairy foods. (More details on diet are available in chapter 14.) In addition to the supplements recommended above, Dr. Hanley also adds 30 mg of zinc daily, 500 mg of vitamin C daily, and antioxidant mix, and a multivitamin.

Since Class III cervical dysplasia can be caused or aggravated by the excessive cell proliferation caused by estrogen dominance, she often recommends the use of progesterone cream to oppose the estrogen effects, along with the vitamins mentioned above. Women sometimes ask if they can put the progesterone directly on the cervix. Although it isn't necessary, it is fine to do if you're very sure it's pure progesterone that contains no carcinogenic chemical preservatives and no estrogenic herbs. To use it that way, look for a cream that contains only progesterone as its active ingredient.

It's very common for a doctor to recommend that a woman with a Class II pap smear have a surgery called a conization, or cone biopsy, in which a circle of tissue around the inside of the cervix is removed with a knife or a laser. This is a major surgery that involves general anesthesia. Continued bleeding and infection are common complications, and fertility is frequently affected by interfering with the production of cervical mucous. A cone biopsy may also result in miscarriages because the cervix is unable to stay closed. Using a laser in this procedure may sound more high tech, but the results can be equally destructive."

The prevailing medical theory is that cervical dysplasia is caused by Human Pampilloma Virus or HPV. The mainstream medical authorities believe that you will have HPV forever and there is no cure. Or HPV may erupt into an infection and then go dormant, but you never get rid of HPV, you will always have it. However, you may web search Glickman, MD. Glickman, MD has an herbal preparation called Beta-Mannan that some of his patients have claimed have gotten rid of HPV. I, personally, have not confirmed or disproved this herbal preparation. So, I personally, do NOT know if it works. But it is reasonably priced and has low side effects so you might as well try it.



twins do not have increased risk of Cervical Dysplasia
"Since Class III cervical dysplasia can be caused or aggravated by the excessive cell proliferation caused by estrogen dominance (excess estrogen), I often recommend the use of progesterone cream to oppose the estrogen effects, along with the vitamins mentioned above."

Jesse Hanley, M.D.


  "From my women patients, I learned that cervical dysplasia were most often a sign of estrogen dominance. I also recommend adding vitamin E in dosages of 600 IU at bedtime, supplemental magnesium (300 milligrams a day), and vitamin B6 (50 milligrams per day)*. This treatment is simple, safe, inexpensive, successful, and natural." John Lee, MD



Recent Study Links Birth Control Pill to Cervical Cancer

Women who take oral contraceptives run a higher risk of developing cervical cancer, but this risk is transient and reverts to normal about 10 years after they stop, British researchers said on Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007.

Dr. Jane Green, a cancer epidemiologist from Britain's University of Oxford, studied data from 24 studies involving more than 16,000 women with cervical cancer and more than 35,000 without.

For women in developed countries who took the pill from age 20 to 30, the number of cases of cervical cancer by age 50 rises to 4.5 per 1,000 women, from 3.8 cases per 1,000 in women who did not take the pill.

The incidence rises to 8.3 cases per 1,000 for pill users in less developed countries, compared with 7.3 cases per 1,000 for women who did not take the pill. See the study here.

Indole-3-Carbinol is a dervative of brussel sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower. Indole-3-Carbinol gives your body the raw material to inactivate estradiol. Take 200 mg/day of indole-3-carbinol. Since indole-3-carbinol lowers estradiol levels you may or may not get hot flashes. However, you may only need to take indole-3-carbinol for 2-3 months for your endometriosis. Clinically, we seem to get better results using indole-3-carbinol rather than DIM (Diiindolymethane). Indole-3-Carbinol lowers estradiol. Estradiol stimulates endometriosis. Thus, using indole-3-carbinol makes the endometriosis better.

*Whole grains also regulate hormonal levels due to their high levels of vitamin B and vitamin E, which have a beneficial effect on both the liver and the ovaries. In 1942, a researcher named Biskind found that B vitamin deficiency hindered the liver's ability to metabolize estrogen levels in both animal and human test subjects. The addition of B vitamin supplementation to the diet of women suffering from PMS, heavy menstrual bleeding, and fibrocystic breast disease helped to decrease the severity of their symptoms. Studies conducted at UCLA Medical School during the 1980s found that taking a specific B vitamin, pyridoxine B6, helped to relieve symptoms of menstrual cramps and PMS.

Research also conducted during the 1980s at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center similarly found, in several placebo controlled studies, that vitamin E is useful in reducing many PMS symptoms, as well as fibrocystic breast discomfort. Other studies have found that vitamin E supplementation reduced menopause related hot flashes, fatigue, and mood swings in 66 to 85 percent of the women tested, depending on the study. One additional study noted a decrease in the symptoms of vaginal atrophy in 50 percent of the postmenopausal women volunteers.

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Natural Progesterone help for Cervical Dysplasia






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Natural Progesterone help for Cervical Dysplasia